Psychic Shelly

Clairvoyant Medium

Tuesday, 16th April 2024
UK Time: 8:10:am

Shelly's Blog


Sometimes in life we all feel desperate; we all feel emotional pain; we feel that there is no future and what we feel at that exact moment is how we will feel for the rest of the forseeable future; not a nice thought and this snowballs into more desperation.

How many spiritual people do you know that are classed as odd as they do not think like the rest of the populus? I should imagine many... but have you ever asked why? Why do they have inner peace?

The reason for their inner peace is that they have been to that place of desperation and back again; they have realised that there is no point in worrying or being desperate about things that are out of our control; that hurt does heal and that life is constantly changing and moving as we learn lessons along the way. We are then rewarded.

I have yet to come across a spiriutal person who has not suffered some horrendous situations but in these they have turned to their inner voice; their guides; their faith and found their way back; they have listened and accepted the guidance and moved forward in life and now have inner peace as they listen to the inner voice.

How do you do this? Simple. Ask and you shall be heard; listen and act yourself. Ask the universe to help you find your way back from that desperate place and they will guide you back. No one says it will not be painful, but us humans only ever learn in pain; but one thing is for sure. What comes to you on that journey back will be life changng; it will mean you will learn those lessons and bring you peace of mind and a wisdom you have never known.

Personally I have been to that desperate place and come back. Would have been so easy to stay there and feel my own sorrow, but that was not meant to happen, I was not meant to stay there and fortunately for me, Argus gave me some almighty kicks along the way, but I listened and acted and now have such peace of mind that I would not change a thing. So please listen to that inner voice to guide yourself back.

Love to you all x

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